I read the article: When your kids won't bow to your idols, this past week. Then, this weekend we took care of 2 extra kids (3 years and 6 months) for a few days. Through the weekend the thoughts from the article kept coming to mind. How am I reacting? What are my idols in this situation? It really impacted how I dealt with having Baby L...not suddenly, but gradually. Last night, she fell asleep in our arms and we tried to lay her down a couple times after only a minute or two of snuggling.
Then, it occurred to me that babies were made by God to be snuggled by there mama, because every time I lifted her up and layed her head against my chest, she instantly fell asleep (instantly - true description!). Oh, when I realized that, I savored that time with her, and cried over her loss. After a good long snuggle, she layed down just fine! Then again at 3:30 a.m. (she typically woke up around 5:30), I enjoyed a long snuggle instead of the frustration of a baby awake in the middle of the night. This sweet, beautiful, smiley little girl needed that mama loving! While Kevin is missing Brother N, I am grieving Baby L's loss and desiring to snuggle her again (and mostly because of the real life application of this article. My idols: sleep, baby obedience a.k.a. control, and yep, hmm...control!).