Sunday, June 9, 2019

Jehovah Jireh

When we tell people that our 7-month old foster baby, that we picked up from the hospital is heading home, the response is often, "Oh, that must be so hard."  I feel a bit "heart-less" when I think that it won't be.  This journey has been hard, the hardest in our fostering experiences, for many reasons.  I might share those reasons later, but for now, I'll tell you my response to their comment.

"God always provides for my heart."

He has in the past, He does today and He will in the future.  He uses timing, changing circumstances, peace that passes all human understanding...  I trust Him and His omniscience (his knowing of all things).  Also, I trust that He sees (El Roi), He defends (Jehovah-Maginnenu), He judges, He knows (omniscient)…  My God is a good, good Father.  He loves these kids and my kids better than anyone else ever could.  He is their Jehovah-Jireh (provider) and mine.

If you want to learn more about God's Names, there is a great book by that name to learn about them with kids:  God's Names by Sally Michael.