Friday, January 30, 2009

The original Palligator

Hello and welcome to my Palligators Etc. Blog. I am currently on the wrong computer to upload the picture of the palligator.

The Palligator...well, I went with my mom's cousin out to eat and then we found some neat shops to browse in. One of them was a knitting shop. They had books on how to knit little stuffed animals. In one of the books, I found, layed out flat, the knitted pieces that were to be sewn together to make a puppy. I memorized what those shapes looked like and decided that I would use fleece to make it, since I had some leftovers from a hat making project.

As I was making the puppy, it was agreed that the snout was much too long and looked more like an alligator then a puppy. Therefore the name "palligator".

Soon to come...the picture.

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