Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Potty Training Countdown

I am gearing up again for a new potty training session with my 2 year old. It is time, well, in 3 weeks that is. I have 22 days to mentally prepare myself and my husband for the day when diapers are going to disappear during the awake hours. We're working on an action plan and telling Kj that the day is coming. We're heading on a 5 day road trip and when we return we'll have a "Last Diaper Day" Party and then it will begin!

I am contemplating getting a "Family Toilet Seat". I was trying to look up options for these and finally found out the official name for them. Hahaha...I thought all toilet seats were "family" seats. It is really quite a neat idea. You have your regular toilet seat, but in the cover of it there is a smaller opening and cover that you can lift up for your child. Then they feel a little more secure.

Here are some of the options that I found... Elongated Family Seats ...just in case you are interested as well...Note: you probably do not have an elongated seat at your house!

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