Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Haircut Day

L just turned 3 a couple months ago, and for some reason grew very particular about her hair.  She would not let me put anything in it anymore.  So, I decided to ask if she would like it cut, even though I thought it was so pretty!  It took me a month talking about it with her and trying several new tactics to see if she would let me put things in her hair...and then it was haircut day.  Kevin needed one badly too (sorry no pics), and so he went first then the girls. 

"Cut it all." and "All of it,"  were the words from L while cutting.  I did, I am.  See!

There she is with her ponytail.  Long enough to donate, although it's still sitting in my room waiting for me to get to the post office.  

Here's Kj.  I had to talk her out of a short cut like L's.  I reminded her that she wouldn't be able to use all her new pretty rubberbands from her birthday if we cut it all off.  Also, that ponytails are so nice in the summer and for kindergarten!  Whew, it worked!

Here's the pretty girl showing off her trim.   She's in a silly - exaggerating posing stage.  :)

The end product (minus the donateable portion).  Below, the girls trying to get their pose together for the sister picture.  Kj tries to tell L what to do with her arms, and L knows what she wants, and it's not that...whatever that is!

Even the bed head is beautiful!

1 comment:

Shaina said...
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