Monday, April 13, 2015

Tardy Book Post

Tear-jerker alert! 

Hair For Mama
Written by:  Kelly A. Tinkham
Illustrated by:  Amy June Bates

It is time for Marcus' family to get their annual family picture, but mama doesn't want to be in it because she has lost her hair due to chemotherapy.  She doesn't want to be in the family picture this year.  So, Marcus tells his mama that he will find her some hair.  In this dilemma, the family pulls together and finds hope in this difficult time in their life.

Kamishibai Man
By:  Allen Say

Long ago, in Japan children would come running for the stories and treats of the kamishibai man.  As the children dwindled and because occupied with other pastimes, the kamishibai man "retired."  One day, he decides to go out one more time and the children, all grown, gathered and remembered.

Tree Frog Hears a Sound
Story by:  Rebecca Johnson
Photos by:  Steven Parish

Just one of 8 "Animal Storybooks".  These book personify various animals of Australia, while teaching about one aspect of their life. 

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