Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Six Months!

Can you believe it!?  This boy child is 6 months already!  Oh, we love him!  He's sleeping like a newborn, but rolling, laughing, eating, loving and loved!

A billboard I drove past had a picture of a cat next to the note:  "The best 10 lbs. I ever gained."  I had to do my own version.  This is "The best 16 lbs. I ever gained." ...I mean, along with the siblings of course!  

We've started foods a little differently with each child.  This time around, he's getting egg yokes, chicken heart, salmon, sweet potatoes, avocado, banana and basically what we're eating.  If it's simple enough, we'll let him test it.  He won't be having our store-bought chicken tortilla soup for a while...we don't consider that simple foods.

 He didn't get a whole lot off of this sweet potato wedge, but he was able to practice grabbing, chewing, and it kept him contentedly occupied so we could all eat together!  

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