Thursday, April 15, 2021


Grandma came today.  Adults knew, Aunt R instigated, kids were oblivious.  Right now Mn has her in his room playing Legos.  Just before lunch, Mn and I went outside to pick up sticks in the yard.  Then, we took pictures of our neighbors' spring flowers, then we followed the mail-lady down the street, "but we're going to stay on {__} Street."  We saw a grey car turning around, looked like Grandpa J in his car.  A few moments later, another grey car drives by (Grma), but it couldn't be because it was stopping in front of the next house, not travelling on to our house.  

Grandma gets out of the car and walks around.  Mn: "Grandma's here!!!  Does she have luggage?!"  Before a hug he looks in the front seat window, then he looks in the backseat window.  Still not seeing any, he climbs into the back seat and pulls down the center armrest and then opens the secret door to the trunk.  "THERE'S LUGGAGE!!"  He climbs out excited, but gets ready to climb back in for a ride down the street.  "But can I get a hug?" says Grandma.  

She parked around the block and walked around to the backyard to see the girls.  I was in the kitchen by then and in a high excited voice Kj exclaims, "Curl Grandma's here!!!"  Hugs all around.

After Mn had gone to fetch the car and unload it with Grandma (this boy is always up for a job).  Job complete he takes off his jacket and boots in the kitchen, under his breath I hear him whisper, "She's a tricker."  Relaying the story to Aunt R, she claims, "Next time...I'll hide myself in the trunk..."  :)  

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