Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Muffin crayons

I am back, if only for a moment. I just wanted to share with you a way to make toddler crayons. I learned it at a group called Family Foundations. It is a get-together sponsored by the United Way, to support parents and families.

Anyways, you take old crayons, a muffin tin, and muffin cups (the silver ones work best). Peal off the paper from the crayons and break them and place them in the lined muffin tin. Then back at 250 degrees until they melt together--so if you have an oven light, just turn it on and be watchful. Some people like to mix the colors, but I chose to have single colored crayons. Either way is fun. Kj is 13 months and thought the crayons looked more edible than anything else...

1 comment:

Shaina said...

This is so funny. I was browsing through a couple crafty blogs one day a few weeks ago and I saw these and thought, "wow! I should try that someday!"

I don't have any crayons right now but I'm sure someday we'll have a bunch of old crayons lying around.

Kj looks so much like Zoe in this pic it's a wee bit creepy. hehe.