Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Recent Projects

Here is a sweater that Kj had that I didn't want to just throw away, but it had some large brown stains on the front left side. I decided I would put a few flowers on it with ribbon, but then added a pocket and stems to finish off the project.

Shortly after L was born a cousin brought over some hats for the girls. Kj and L have been enjoying them ever since and are now growing out of them. So, my mom had come for the weekend and was asking me to make one for my grandma, to see if she would like it, and we found the perfect material...coordinating, but at two different stores! This is a very short and easy project with a little guesswork for the top circle piece. I think we now have figured out which kitchen containers have just the right lid for each size!

Having two girls, multiple baby-dolls and only one baby-doll blanket, I decided was an easily solved problem. So, a couple mornings ago, I started and finished this little project. I happened to have a bag of 4x4 squares cut out by someone, and copied the pattern our other baby-doll blanket. Yeah! It got me excited to do more sewing...even though I have a trip to plan and pack for! Why not add another "to-do" to my list!?

My latest project, since the baby-doll blanket only took a morning! I thought I would try to whip up a hostess gift for my friend's mama. She is letting another friend and me stay at her home for her daughter's wedding.

*Note: In the last picture the top table runner was made by my Mama #2 - not me.

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