Thursday, November 15, 2012

I did it! I did it!

I sewed two naptimes in a row!  Wow.  It hasn't been much, but every little bit is exciting.  I even got a little snooze in today.  Kj and L go down for their nap/rest about 1, then B is up for a while longer.  Today, I was so tired that I brought my pillow into the living room and set him in front of me with a bunch of his toys and ... I think I fell asleep for an hour.  Is that possible?  I'm not sure it was an hour, but he just played and played and then Kj came to entertain him while I got out a bottle.  His eyes rolled back as he drank it up.  I was told to make sure I made eye contact with him during his feedings, but that's not always possible.  So, I laid him down after that and headed straight for the sewing room, to work on a project I had cut out yesterday.  Yippee, hooray.  After I finish with this, I'd like to make L some more t-shirt skirts, as daily she wears one under her dress, over her pants.  Hehe, she's a layer girl.  I guess all the girls in this family are.  How could she not be?  Ok, now I am just rambling, bye for now.  :)

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