Friday, August 23, 2013

Pickles and Pancakes

I made some refrigerator pickles this last week.  Yesterday, I tested them and ...  I didn't really like them.  Thankfully, Kevin and the girls did.  I think it was the sugar the recipe told me to add.  I think I'll skip that if I try it again.  Well, also, being pregnant, my taste buds/preferences have gotten very particular!

My last grocery shopping trip was a little incomplete.  I had everything I needed on the list (except the eggs...they never seem to make the list), but a part of each recipe for the week was missing when I returned home!  The pitas weren't in the usual spot so schwarmas got switched to Thursday, pudding was just missed, so no pudding pops were made, eggs were, as I said, not even on the list, so I couldn't make zucchini pancakes.  Thursday, we finally got back to the store to get the missing ingredients.

Today at lunch we tried the pancakes.  My initial taste was bad!  But I hadn't put anything on them and the recipe had 4 eggs and only a 1/2 teaspoon of a very eggy taste.  But with some peanut butter and rhubarb strawberry sauce and honey...yumm!  I did end up adding a couple more spoonfuls of sugar to the rest of the batch, but just adding toppings was delicious!

PS. I also started soaking the almonds for homemade almond milk...we'll see if my blender can handle it.

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