Saturday, February 8, 2014


Well, last night I was having a bit of fun.  Kevin and baby G were already in bed, the girls were off at their Aunt C's for a birthday celebration, and I was "alone" in the house...what should I do?!  A project!!  We are working on our kitchen, but it isn't making too much progress yet.  We are waiting on a quote from a carpenter.  So, I was looking at paint color schemes for a kitchen and the ones I liked all had white cupboards.  So, then I started thinking of the aspects of my cupboards that I liked and saw some kitchens with just the open shelves, and thought that I might as well try that for one set at least.  The result:

Above is the picture of our current cupboards.  I didn't disassemble these ones, but I had to use them for my before picture, because I had already taken one door off before I reminded myself that I was going to take a picture of the before (below). 

Afterwards my cupboards looked like this.  I like the way these ones look, but don't think that I could do this for my non-dishes cupboard as that looks more cluttered and messy (it's not messy, just looks that way because of all the different sizes, shapes and colors of bits in them).  So, there are still a few clutter things to pick up to make it really look nice...such as the countertop.  It was late at night and I just wanted to get a feel for the possible new look.  

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