Friday, February 28, 2014

Nursing Shawl in 5 Minutes or Less

I had the idea to make a nursing shawl because a friend of mine had one.  I kept forgetting to ask her where she got it, and then finally, figuring it would be more than $10, I decided to check Pinterest to see if they had any ideas for dimensions or other DIY versions.  I found this idea and another.  So easy! 

Now, the issue was finding the fabric.  I have 3 little ones at home and am very pregnant, so thought I would check my stash and my scarf collection (which isn't too many, but more than I regularly use). 

After folding the scarf in half, I pinned from the fringe up to about 15 inches from the fold.  Then, I sewed with a similar color of thread, tied it off and tried it on.  Done.

 One of the instruction links showed that you could use it for a pregnancy shawl, nursing cover, or infinity scarf.  I didn't try it as a scarf yet.  Maybe another day.  And below is my nearly 37 week pregnant belly. 

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