Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Bent Out of Shape

My life has been a little hectic lately.  In the middle of one Friday night, we accepted the call to take 2 foster kids for the weekend.  Well, that weekend turned into a week and that week turned into two.  Baby gates were needed, extra hands were needed, another pack and play, and three sizes of diapers.  My response has been roller-coaster-ish.  There has been laughter and tears.  I have tried to plan, but don't know the plan to plan around.  I am living in the moment.  Most afternoons are filled with two crying boys (one child that we took in moved on after a few days, so we are down to 2 sizes of diapers), and most evenings have been filled with less than loving responses to my husband's attempts to help.  I have had many broken moments, just crying out to God.  I can't do this!  Is that my selfish response or a right/normal/good response?  After the tears does come a peace though!!  Amazing how God works.  I broke, I told Him, He can fill me!  He can help me moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day.  My attitude and outlook is being adjusted (slowly).  After a impromptu fall break from homeschool, we are getting our school schedule adjusted and fitting it all in.  I still don't know the plan and what I do know makes me think that the weekend might run into yet another week.  I have had little encouraging things come at just the right moment: 

~At church on Sunday a verse was read in Second Corinthians 6 that mentioned "sleepless nights" response - God knows what I'm going through!!
~The sermon talked about all things giving God the glory, and are we doing any of this for our glory or for God' response - praying that this all is for the right reasons.
~A friend setting up meals for us (our family and another foster family) response - extreme gratitude!  It is getting easier, but it is amazing how little you can get done with 2 under 2.  
~This sweet face of our Mn:

So, after all that (hopefully it made sense), if I seem a little bent out of shape, forgive me!  I'm getting refined!  And hopefully my ring will be get the kink out soon too.  If you see that I'm not wearing it, don't assume that something is wrong between Kevin and I...I just felt securely claustrophobic!  He knows and he is very understanding!  Pray for us, would you!?  There are many scenarios that could play out and some of them require us to make a decision about the care of sweet boy (not pictured). 


Unknown said...

Praying for you dear, wonderful sister!

Dana said...


You are amazing!! Stepping through the chaos and into God's peace is difficult. I hate it when God decides that it's time to stretch. It hurts and isn't pleasant. He has place all of the people in your life because they need to be there. It could be for you or it could be for them but it is always the right place, right time. Hang in there and don't forget to ask for help. Praying for you and your family.
