Sunday, November 30, 2014

Kj's "Excitement"

I'm a bit emotional tonight...  Here's the story...  Kevin said I should start writing it down, this is an especially good idea since I forget many details.  For instance...  Wait, let me back up. 

Kj has a lump on her leg.  It bulges when she flexes her foot and lays down when she relaxes.  It took me about a month after finding it to finally get her to the doctor.  We'd often forget about it because it didn't hurt and if she was wearing pants of any kind it wasn't seen. 

So, we went to the doctor, she ordered an ultrasound.  We got an ultrasound, they ordered an MRI.  The MRI was denied because Kj didn't also get an x-ray.  We waited.  We were referred to a surgeon.  We saw the surgeon, she reordered the MRI (a different way), the order was accepted.  The next day we had an MRI.  Two days later we waited for a call.  We waited by the wrong phone.  We arrived home two days after that to find two messages from that surgeon.  She referred us to an orthopedic surgeon, so we'll make an appointment for that meeting tomorrow (Monday). 

So, about my lack of detailed remembering...  The doctor comes into the room and asks when we first saw the lump.  First of all, it was a weekend with Nana at which it was discovered, but then a couple weeks went by before deciding that we should probably get this check out.  So, I tell the doctor, "Umm, a couple months ago, I suppose."  Then, I look at Kj.  She nods and says, "Yeah, probably two months or one."  Haha... 

Well, I'm ready for bed...maybe another post soon.  

Repeat paragraph with dates:

So, we went to the doctor (10/10), she ordered an ultrasound.  We got an ultrasound (10/13), they ordered an MRI.  The MRI was denied because Kj didn't also get an x-ray.  We waited.  We were referred to a surgeon.  We saw the surgeon (11/23), she reordered the MRI (a different way), the order was accepted (11/23).  The next day we had an MRI (11/24).  Two days later we waited for a call (11/26).  We waited by the wrong phone.  We arrived home two days after that to find two messages from that surgeon (11/28).  She referred us to an orthopedic surgeon, so we'll make an appointment for that meeting tomorrow (Monday 11/29). 

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