Saturday, November 1, 2014

We Were Blessed

As Nana watched out the window last night, 
Upon our empty streets, 
She saw a mob of people coming, 
To which we could give some treats.

We all rushed to the window because we had yet to pass out any of our carefully decorated "love bags".  I looked down the street and at the next corner I saw a large group, adult height, standing very still, appearing to wear lots of black with a bit of red and white.  Oh, no, Kevin will be answering the door for them.  But still they didn't move.  Then after many long moments of all of us squinting out at them, they started to cross the street.  Wheelchairs!  Over a dozen children in wheelchairs coming down the street being pushed by their "friends".

They were heading down the other side of the street past our house.  "Quick girls, get on your shoes and coats, we'll bring some to them!"  But they were passing us by...  Then, Nana calls out, "Are you coming over here?"  "Yes," was the reply.  Ok, back in and wait a moment.

A few minutes later, we had the dozen plus wheelchairs in our driveway and we were able to bring out our treat bags to them!  I got a little emotional while they were here, thinking of how wrong I was, seeing them from a distance.  They were no scary crew, these were beautiful, sweet, wheelchair bound children!  Then, I remembered to talk to them, not just observe my girls and their aunt passing out their bags.  I talked with the leader of the crew and touched her hand, asked her where she was headed next.  Next a serene-faced ladybug, who's name was E, and I commented that one of the girls had her name as a middle name. 

My heart overflows (into my eyes most of the time) and I am so glad we made the decision to light up our house and share of our bounty!  Usually we turn off the lights, go somewhere else, or just ignore that Halloween even exists.  Here are some others' thoughts that we considered this year:

The Evolution of Halloween in Our Home
Our Pets Don’t Need a Halloween Costume and Other Important Truths

The LORD is good and His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations!  Psalm 100:5  (On one of the bags Kj wrote the whole of Psalm 100!  She opened up her Bible and started copying it.)

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