Thursday, August 27, 2015

Flash Flood

We "enjoyed" a little flash flood adventure on the way home from the library tonight. Before we left to go to the library, Kevin said, "20% chance of rain." L didn't want to wear her rain jacket and I told her she'd get soaked, but it was up to her. Kevin said, "Not soaked!" We all got a bit wet on the way into the library and the rains came down harder and harder.  By the time we were heading out the door it was pouring, flash flood sort of pouring.  Oh, yes, she and we all got soaked even with the jacket.  

We prayed our way home!  I was the voice wanting to say, "Turn back.  The library is safe."  But then kept reminding myself that I trusted my husband!!  I did, and he got us here.  We wondered if this was similar a hurricane (only of course without so much wind).

Kj takes these things as sort of adventure.  "Can I check the basement?"  L on the other hand gets a bit "freaked out".  "I'm not getting out of the van until the garage door is closed."  Mn just falls asleep, it was bedtime.  

I was getting the kids in bed, and sopping up the water that had come in their windows while we were gone and Kevin inspected the basement further.  In the laundry room, we had a nice little "fountain*" coming in the window and some constant dripping coming around and out of the electrical box.  Kevin and I did some investigating and deduced the probable cause of the trickle: 
full rain barrel and in general too much water, so it started coming in where the communication line comes in.  We disconnected the rain barrel and made a plug for it.

Well, the "rush" is over.  Our emergency candles and flashlights are gathered to be put away, the power is on.  Here I am trying to remember all the details. 

*fountain - think nice little fountain that you find at a florist shop.  Just a nice flow of water over mesmerizing...

P.S.  We just found out that we were in the middle of the flood zone!!  I hope the librarians are safe where they are!  

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