Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bridal Shower Gift...

I was given a mission recently to make a "cute" apron. My sister-in-law is getting married and that was her one request of me. She asked her mom, "Can I ask for something specific from someone for my wedding?" The answer, "It depends." And with this request the answer was, "Yes." So, I set out looking online for a prefect pattern for a "cute" apron. I had a few rough sketches and some ideas. I even had part of the plan laid out in my sewing room. The only thing was I couldn't find a complimenting fabric for the pieces I had laid out (cloth napkins with snowflakes in the corners). So, one naptime I looked through my boxes of fabrics from other projects and hand-me-downs. I found 3 pieces (2 bits and 1 large piece) that I decided would be prefect. A few days previously I had been to a craft store and seen an apron book. I found the prefect "cute" apron. Now, I just had to remember what it looked like and figure out how to assemble it. Once done, I decided that since Kj's aunt was probably going to be the only one to make cookies with her, she needed a matching apron. So, I simplified the design and made it toddler size. Very fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both aprons are super cute! I love them! I love aprons :) Jenny made aprons for Gage's Aunt & Cousin for their birthdays this month. They both were so cute. Jenny told me I need to get a sewing machine so I can learn to sew. She's right. I do. haha.
