Friday, March 12, 2010

Our littlest lady...

Our littlest lady was born on Saturday. We headed home from the hospital on Monday with a bili-blanket. We had to check her bili-level on Tuesday and then on Wednesday and it progressively got worse. So, after the Wednesday appointment we were told to head back to the NICU at our local hospital.

Friday now and her bili-level is way down and she is down to 1 of the original 3 bili-lights. I can now take her off the bed to nurse her--originally it was bottle feeding under the lights on the bed in a very awkward position.

This bottom picture is an example of her sneaky side. We had just put her goggles back on the wide-eyed girl and she was fussing about that. Grandma L. was here and we were talking on the other side of the room...all the sudden she was quiet...we looked over and there she was peeking at us. She figured if she stopped fussing we wouldn't notice that her eyes were uncovered. Hehehe.

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