Thursday, March 4, 2010

Signs of Spring?

Really, I didn't think crickets were alive this season. Today I was putting laundry from the washer to the dryer. I had just put a handful in the dryer and went back for more from the washer when I found a cricket on the washing machine. Was it in with the laundry? Did it get washed? Where did it come from? It looked "fresh" but didn't seem too alive. I quickly went to get a large wad of toilet paper. As I lowered it over the cricket, I thought I spotted the smallest hint of movement...but I can't be sure. It may have been my overactive imagination.

I am proud to say, I didn't scream or jump or dismiss my chore. I boldly (hehe) resolved the situation. But YUCK!!! It still makes me wriggle!

Telling Kevin...he even says, "Ick." But then he said, "Must have snuck in somehow." What?! Snuck in?? It's winter? Yes, there are puddles now in some places taking over the ice patches, but...Spring???

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