Saturday, July 31, 2010

Mostly Mango

Baby L. is getting to the age of baby food. By the time she is ready to eat mangoes they won't be in season, so another friend suggested buying them at 3 for $2 and making it now. So, I set about doing that. I am not particularly fond of mangoes, and consequently do not know how to pick them out, but headed to the store anyways to do just that.

A few days later I finally got to working on them. With the help of Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron, and The Basic Baby Food Cookbook by Julianne Hood, I was able to make some great mango puree.

Kj thoroughly enjoyed nibbling the remnants off the pit, eating the steamed mango slices (skin and all) and the frozen puree sticks. Kevin also tried a frozen bit, commenting that it was better than expected. I on the other hand tried little bits along the way and wasn't too fond of it. Oh, well, at least I know that if Baby L. doesn't like it either, there are others that will enjoy all the rest.

I used the leftover steamer water, or whatever you call it, to mix into our made from concentrate orange juice. We'll all try that in the morning to see what we think. Speaking of juices...we had an excess of grapes that I had bought for a BBQ that was canceled due to inclement weather, so I decided to try my hand at making homemade grape juice. I found some directions at It looks kind of murky right now, but we'll try that cold sometime tomorrow as well. Thanks to my sister for the food mill after Kj was born.

**Later note: The grape juice is delicious when cold, even though it is murky. :)

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