Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I did a little shoving yesterday. I shoved a little sewing into my day. Not really sure the girls were thrilled with this, but they both got a hat out of the deal--sort of. My friend, Janae, gave me the idea and a link to show my how to do it. Here's how. I made them out of a women's somewhat stretchy fashion t-shirt (as opposed to athletic or every-day) and it didn't really work to well. The result were 2 hats that probably both fit Kj. Baby L looks cute in her's but it is a bit large and floppy. Oh, well, better luck next time.

The piles of non-sewing room stuff in my sewing room has gotten out of hand again. I need to reclaim. Now that Baby L can sit up, maybe I could shove a little more of my craftiness in to the day. Tomorrow Little Miss Z (2.5yrs) is coming over in the afternoon for a bit. Maybe she will help me with some cooking. It will be the my girls' naptime, so we'll see.

Any suggestions on getting Baby L to take longer naps? Her naps are 30 mins to 1 hr. Not nearly enough time!! Only once in a very long while will she take a really lengthy nap--once there was a 3 hour one...

1 comment:

KgL said...

pictures, please!