Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mama Love

Mama love is good!! In this case I am talking about the love I have for my daughters. I was up in the night with Baby L. We had about a two hour middle of the night rendezvous...not of my choosing! I got pretty frustrated trying to get her to see the benefits of returning to sleep on her own. Then, I finally gave in to feeding her, because she wasn't conforming to my way of thinking. She fell asleep, of course. When I laid her head on my shoulder to burp her, she just nuzzled right in and all the crying and frustration disappeared. "How could I ever want this stage to be passed?! She's so soft and snuggly and smells so sweet." I thought to myself. How easily I can forget all the crying. It reminded me of God. His love for me is like "Mama love" times infinity! Pretty great, isn't it!?! How could you not want that?

1 comment:

KgL said...

thanks for loving my grand girls!
(the picture is so cute, it became my new "wallpaper")
Mama #2