Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Getting Ready for a Rummage

I have been going through and through our house lately trying to find anything to put on our rummage sale. I keep going through the same closets and drawers and still find more. I guess I will be doing it until the day the sale ends.

My neighbor across the street mentioned a couple months ago that she is planning to have a rummage sale this summer. I kept asking, "When? When? When?" And finally a date. A few weeks from now. I decided to go with one plain and simple price: 50 cents. Also, a cause: our adoption. :) So, unintentionally at first, but now deliberately, I have been taking other peoples' thrift store items and piling the boxes in our garage.

How much do you think I could make? Probably not that much, but hopefully a little to offset the cost of an $800 adoption class coming up next month.

I read something that inspired me to find more...something asking what could I do without now to bring home a child. It kind of makes me want to find big things and sell for more, but I am going to keep the price what it is and if there are big things, I might just be crazy and sell them for 50 cents as well. :)

Also, update from my last post...I have an itching to prime some more, but didn't have any new trim ready, so I painted our bunnies. We have a set of 3 cement bunnies in our front yard and they were a little chippy, so I took out all my supplies that were patiently waiting for me in the fridge and painted the bunnies white. Not sure if I will paint another coat or not, or if tomorrow I'll paint the swan or the "urn". I never thought I would be into this sort of lawn ornamentation, but they have really grown on me in the 2+ years we have lived in our house. Why not care for them too! Below is a picture of the lawn decor.

1 comment:

KgL said...

when is the rummage sale? I should start looking through stuff here...