Monday, March 18, 2013

Letting Go

This is what I was trained to do.  Love so much and be able to let them go.  God is good and his timing is perfect.

For the last two and a half weeks we have been waiting to let go.  We have been planning and packing, but didn't know the day or the hour.  Then it came suddenly.  "I'll be there in half an hour."  Wow, a whirlwind of activity pursued.  We had been prepared 2 weeks ago.  All the toys in a pile, all the clothes washed and extras packed.  And today...I searched everywhere to find those things again. 

Does this scenario sound familiar?  Well, two weeks ago when our letting go started, my Bible study was on being prepared.  Being ready for we don't know the day or the hour when Jesus will returned.  Yes, it is just a small reflection on what is in the Bible, but it made it seem real in my life. 

As, I passed through those weeks, my emotions flip-flopped and I felt callous for saying that I was ready.  I found out the truth -- I was not callous!  No matter how ready I said that I was, it was still tear-jerking letting him go.  The hardest part for me...he had no idea what he was getting into.  I buckled him into the social workers carseat and gave him some kisses...closed the door and waved.  The trust in his eyes.  Dear Lord, build that trust in him again in his new family.  Prepare the way!!  Bring him peace.  Goodbye dear one!  You have left my home but never my heart. 

Thank you to everyone for all of your support, prayers, babysitting, loving on him, caring for him, showing Jesus to him...

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