Friday, April 22, 2016

Our Yard

Pussy Willow - not exactly what I wanted when I bought them.  I was thinking that we would get those neat, tiny, furry buds...these are a bit ragged.

Red currant

Elderberry (black lace variety)


Still don't know...



Creeping something

Winterglow Bergenia



gabriele gray said...

'Don't know' reminds me of Flowering Quince...when I was a child we had a large shrub of it in the yard and I'd hide behind it when we played hide and seek...I've loved that particular color every since.

by: Thomas Edward Brown (1830-1897

A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot!
Rose plot,
Fringed pool,
Ferned grot--
The veriest school Of peace; and yet the fool
Contends that God is not--
Not God! in gardens! when the eve is cool?
Nay, but I have a sign; ’Tis very sure God walks in mine.

Anna said...

Thank you, I will look that up! And thank you for the poem. 'tis very sure that God walks in mine as well. :) aj