Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Kj Update

Ah, my Kj, my eldest.  She is growing and learning and exploring and reading and singing!  There was an ocean theme for VBS this year and Kj and I made an electric eel for a skit prop.  If you know anything about electric eels, you will know that something is not quite right with the above combination.  As we researched electric eels, we learned that they are really not eels and they are not found in the ocean.  Ah, well.  We now have an electric eel stuffed animal in our house.  It is quite comfy...

Kj loves exploring.  She loves to "off road" at parks and in nature areas.  This particular park had a river on the bottom of end of some of the trails, so I found myself holding her back.  "Be careful."  "Don't go so fast."  "Get back here."  ...  :P

Cooking is another one of  her favorite activities.  Below is the second time she has made most of the pancakes.  The first time we started kind of late and so I had to finish to speed things up, this time we started way early and had warm pancakes.  One hand is in her pocket, nursing a finger tip burn against a small ice pack. 

Although I don't have a picture of it, her (probably) favorite pastime is reading.  My dad and I went to a few rummage sales on Saturday.  We bought her Charlotte's Web at one of them.  She picked it up mid-morning and was done by evening or the next afternoon...I am trying to remember.  Lately she has been reading through the Laura Ingalls Wilder stories to get ready for a trip to a couple of her homes this summer. 

Read in the last few days:

Charlotte's Web  by E.B. White
Tales from Maple Ridge:  The Lucky Wheel  by Grace Gilmore
Helen Keller's Teacher by Margaret Davidson
The Boxcar Children:  Surprise Island by Gertrude Chandler Warner (reading 1/2-1 chapter aloud to L daily)
several picture books by Neuschwander (Sir Cumference) and Pilegard (Warlord's...) both math books

Yikes, I can't keep up!  :) 

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