Monday, February 1, 2010

Doing what I like to relax...and what came of it.

I have been doing a lot of knitting and crocheting lately, as you all have read. Well, on Wednesday nights our family goes to a church supper. After that Kevin helps teach 1st and 2nd grade boys, and Kj plays in the nursery with the kids. There are a couple of other moms whose husbands teach or something and their kids are in class or the nursery. So, we have started congregating and visiting on the comfy couches in the entrance of the church. Since just before Christmas we've had a crew of craftiness. We've had cross-stitching, fleece hat/scarf making, crocheting, knitting, and other small projects. Others walk past and see what we are up to and stop to visit for a few minutes. It has been a lot of fun.

Well, one lady that has walked past often is a at-home-mom/photographer. She has commissioned me to make a few newborn props for her studio that she found online. So, after Kevin gets off work today, I'm off to the store to buy supplies. We'll see how many items I can get whipped up before our baby is due (mid-March).

I have a goal too. I have some Christmas money saved and I am going to add my earnings here to buy a serger. Something I thought would be fun to have and would help me with a few projects that I've thought much about. I'll keep you posted!

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