Saturday, July 23, 2011

"Wanna Make A Skirt Today?"

All I said to get Kj interested in a new project.

We were doing other odds and ends around the house. I fixed everything in my mending pile so I could do some fun sewing: patched 3 pairs of jeans, sewed on a button, fixed a homemade dress, and sewed up a hole in my snowpants. :) The last mend, of course, was the most urgent!

Then, Kj helped me make a skirt. She picked out the fabric (red-orange polyester...she liked it because it was pink and she liked the pattern!), helped pick a style by looking online for ideas, handed me pins, and watched on a stool while I sewed.

She became interested in other endeavors at the end, but it was mostly a joint project. Mmm! Fun to come!! :) The final project, showing off the pockets. We also found some farm animals at a rummage today, as we were beginning the project (pinning the pockets on), Kj asks me, "Can I put them in?" No, not yet.

May the treasure storing begin!

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