Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just Bits

  • On the adoption front: We are currently researching "other" countries (including our own) for adopting. We will probably let little M go as the adoptions are currently closed in SL and we're not sure about the process length etc. Democratic Republic of Congo is what we are doing most of our research about right now.
  • Painting: Ah, I got to paint my way through last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It was quite enjoyable, as it was a change of pace for me. My mom was here to take care of the girls and paint shutters at naptime. We got a lot accomplished. On Thursday, I was realizing that I was a sporadic painter. I had to finish up a bit of priming before starting with the true house color. So, I was here and there and everywhere, and then as I started the true color, I did the same as I had to paint the dry spots. It kept me interested. :) Friday, I was a little more organized. Saturday, I lost my momentum as Kevin was back from his conference and was doing most of the painting. I'll have to get back to it in a couple weeks. It's my turn again. He finished up the peaks and now I have to do the second coat down below.
  • Daycare: It's going well. The kids are getting along great and Kj takes good care of E when I am out of the room. They are good for entertaining each other and I am getting a taste of parenting 3. But...our time with E is almost over...it seems. Two weeks remaining. We'll see in October if I get more done or less done throughout the day!
  • New season: You would think that with no kids in school one season would just run into the next with little to no change, besides the wardrobe! Well, tomorrow the girls and I start up BSF and Kevin starts clubs at church while I sit with the couch ladies and get our girlfriend time! I'm really looking forward to these things. Something really nice about our Wednesday church night is that they provide a meal. So, instead of Kevin rushing in the door, changing, gobbling down supper, packing the family in the car and heading to church. Kevin gets home. He hugs us all. He changes. We pack in the car. We drive a couple miles. We go through the line to get supper. We find friends to eat with and then we carry on with the nights activities. Marvelous idea!
  • L: She is hilarious! My friend described her as a little mime. She runs around doing, doing, doing things and back and forth and all around, and so animated. She cracks herself up sometimes too. Which in turn cracks us up!! I asked my friend if Kj and Z were this funny at this age. She said yes! I don't remember. I LOVE THAT GIRL! We went out to eat tonight and she waves at everyone going by our table and when she was done eating we set her on the floor to look at a couple tables and she peaked at people and got them to wave back.
  • Kj: She's a thinker. My friend didn't eat her crusts and Kj asked why not. My friend told her that she had very old bread and that it was all dry. So, Kj stores this new excuse in her mind for a later date. She kind of looked at me and pointed to her crust...No, I shake my head, that's not going to work for you! At one time she found out that my mom couldn't eat dairy products, because "her body didn't like it." She's tried that line before. So funny! This evening when I needed to hold E to give him a bottle or hold L because she was hungry, Kj requested that I hold her and snuggle her while we walked. She's getting too big for that, but I am glad that she can tell us what she needs. She is such a "big girl". I LOVE THIS GIRL!
  • Bedtime: It's getting earlier and earlier. Kevin, a while ago, was falling asleep on the couch. He is now up and moving around, but I know he's still ready. Me too!! Another big day tomorrow. Better get the rest while we can! Take care all!!

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