Friday, January 25, 2013


A friend wrote this on their wall on Facebook.  I thought about writing a comment but then as thoughts were running through my mind it is so much more than one comment.  For me, it is a way of life...the answer to this question.
I've been sitting here, trying to write a question about how one overcomes feeling unfulfilled by their career.

So friends, if you had to go through a career change, can you share the good and bad of that experience?
Unfulfilled... Unsatisfied... I've felt those before.  As much as I have a hard time adjusting to change, it happens, it's necessary.  I went to college and it was difficult.  I was often very overwhelmed.  I decided to take a break, not knowing if I would ever go back.  I worked full-time at a Christian business.  It was nice, it was encouraging, but it had negatives just like any other job.  So, as I was considering whether to change "careers" or just stay and bear it, I realized that no matter what situation - job or otherwise - that we are in, there is always going to be dissatisfaction.  It may start all rosy and wonderful, but there are going to be times where you never want to go back.  I realized I couldn't run away from something that had a bit of "hard" in it.  I had to face it or realize that the next situation is going to be the same way - eventually.  
 As I look at the world, I see the same thing.  Products I buy new are not going to be perfect.  They are going to break or wear out or quit.  Now, I could run to the store and ask for a replacement or I can realize that this is just how life is.  We live in an fallen and imperfect world.  Stuff doesn't last, people aren't always kind, food goes bad (check out the mango).  You may feel this outlook is depressing, but for me...I have found freedom.  
I can fix tears and wear the clothes I can use the good 4/5s of a sweet potatoe I can compost that rooted mango I can forgive and love the people that aren't perfect (myself included) I can choose to see the positive in people. 
2 Corintians 4:16-18 says, "Therefore we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
I sure do look forward to a day when everything will be made perfect! 

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