Monday, September 2, 2013

"Subway" Banana Peppers

After trying to raise peppers a few years in a row without success, I tried banana peppers this summer and they are actually thriving.   The other day, I found a recipe at this site.  I didn't follow the recipe completely, but here is what I did...
  • 4 whole garlic cloves
  • enough banana peppers sliced to fill a quart jar
  • 4 tsp. salt
  • 4 cups white vinegar*
  • 4 cups water*
*I could have used a bit less, but I had made some pickles earlier and didn't have enough juices to fully cover the cucumbers, so I used the extra for that.
  1. Wash whole banana peppers to remove any dirt. Remove tops from peppers and cut peppers into rings. You can cut them as thick or thin as you want. Also, de-seed if you choose to de-seed your banana peppers.
  2. In a large pot, combine water and white vinegar. Heat on high until boiling.
  3. Add 4 cloves of garlic to empty jar, then pack banana pepper rings tightly into the jar. Add 4 tsp. salt to the peppers. Pour hot vinegar-water mixture over the peppers. Immediately put on lid and ring.
  4. I then placed my jar in the fridge and it sealed enough to store in the fridge for several months.  I won't take it out to shelve it until opened...but it will keep a while that way. 
  5. Think I'll wait and try them next week.  That's what they said to do for the refrigerator pickle recipe that I used, so I'll go with that.

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