Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mid-Week Retreat

This particular Wednesday was a hard one for our family...mostly this mama... Kevin took off work an hour early and we packed a picnic.  There are 2 state parks quite near to each other and we frequent one and only go to the other every few years.  We thought we'd try the less frequently visited one.  We did find a quiet parking lot to picnic near, but the hiking areas were packed.  So, we started at one park and headed to the other.

Forgot to get a pic of our picnic view until we were in the van about to head to the next park...

Off the main trail hiking has been our specialty before the mosquitos reign.  :)  Found some trees to climb in and hills to roll with.

Just before we returned to our van, we pulled off the trail for others to pass.  Then we decided to stay a while and draw in our nature journals.  It was a lovely evening.  Yes, it took the whole of it for this mama to lighten up, but it worked!  God is good!!

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