Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Weekend!

Kj and Mn decide to make a tower that was Mn's size.  At first, I think, it was meant to be able to fit him in it, but they quickly realized that it wouldn't happen that way!

Finished a second double-strength afghan.  A little smaller than the one that I made 2 winters ago, but it was so fun to do it.  Every now and then one of the girls would stitch part of a row, but mostly my work.

Mn has had some grumpy wrists lately.  We had thought that he grew out of such sensitive skin, but it came back recently.  Since we're all at home for the next few weeks without travels planned, we decided to do some experimenting with his diet.  He's going gluten free per our negotiations, and the next day decided that he wasn't going to have cheese either (which is basically the only dairy product that we have in the house).  So, here is my before picture...maybe should have gotten a little closer up...

Saturday afternoon we made some deliveries of Norwex and homeschool books to friends that we've been gathering on our pew.  Then, we spent most of the afternoon we spent at a state park in our area that has an archery course.  It was great!!  It started out with just targets and then the rest of them were shooting across a gully and walking over small footbridges and then up the other side to get to the next target.

Sunday...a morning nap for Anna, church, friends dropping off hay and chatting distantly, lunch, afternoon nap for Kevin then outdoor time.  We're trying one "permaculture" raised garden.  We were able to get the cardboard layer and the first layer of hay.  In the next week, we'll add the compost and more hay layers, as well as, another set of boards to make the sides taller.  The rest of our various garden plots will be the same as usual...we think...we scavenged the whole house and garage for cardboard and brown paper, so, we probably can't do another like this.  Oh, just looked at our "guide"...might need to find somewhere to get manure!!

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