Friday, May 13, 2011

Answer: Jesus!

Kj's friend got hurt and we were going to send her a picture. I told Kj that G was playing on the stairs and fell and got hurt. "Why did G get hurt? Why was G playing a game on the stairs and get hurt?" I don't know. But who knows? "Jesus." That's right. "When I get to heaven, I am going to ask Jesus, 'Why was G on the stairs and got hurt?'"

Isn't that great!! I know that Jesus knows everything, and Kj is starting to get that Jesus knows everything, and when I don't know the answer I can ask her, "Who knows all the answers?" She'll have lots of questions for Jesus when she gets there. :)

Just thought I would share a link with all you with small children. I found a group that sets Bible verses to music. They have one of their CDs online to listen to. That and others can be bought for about $12, and you get 2 for you and one for a friend! Seeds I am quite enjoying them myself. The verses just keep popping into my mind. And Kj is asking, "How do you stand on a rock?" Hehe.

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