Monday, May 9, 2011

Jump Starts

Run #3 - 1.64 miles, but really half of that twice. I ran to a friend's house and visited. Got a call from Kevin, which got me out the door and ran back home. Nice, but hard to get started again. Thankfully the looming darkness and Kevin's call got me jump started.

Got my first load of laundry on the line for the season. It was a load of flannel sheets that hadn't dried all the way in the drier and had stayed there a bit too long. Re-wash was necessary, and I didn't want to waste more electricity on drying that would have taken a couple times through. Another great jump start for the day.

First outdoor lunch with the girls. They were playing nicely after L's first nap and hadn't asked for a snack so I decided to start lunch prep early. Then after we "checked the weather" (opened the front door and stepped out for a moment), I decided to have it outside. Lovely!!

AND Kevin passed another certification test!!! Great job. A day full of goodness!


KgL said...

Congratulations Kevin!

KgL said...

we need to "jump start" the quilt sewing!