Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thoughts In My Head

I was asked the question this week, "What would you like to learn in a couponing class?" It made me think a lot. I use coupons, but don't go out of my way to acquire them. I like coupons, and often lament the fact that we no longer have a printer to print off coupons. I suppose the printer would pay for itself, but we just haven't gone out to buy one. About yearly someone finds that we don't have one and we get their cast off. It works for a time and then dies. So, I can't get coupons that way. We don't get the papers that have the big coupon sections in them. Sometimes we trade with others. Our grocery store used to have amazingly good coupons in their ads and now it is just soda and snacks. All these thoughts made me think of this quote:

Necessity is the mother of invention. ~ unknown

Many parenting questions have been on my mind as well. For instance, what is the balance of playing with my children and doing my own thing? Doing my own thing meaning not just sewing or fun things but also keeping the house in order and balancing the checkbook and... the many, many other stay-at-home mom tasks. Which reminds me, I just got the bank statement in the mail before naptime... :) One friend told me to get the girls started on something and then go and do what you need/want to and come back every now and then and check. I have been working on that more and more. I think it was hard on them to begin with because I started right after I got back from a vacation without them. They wanted/needed me!! This week has been easier, for which I am very grateful. I can tell when I have lost track of the time and it is time for a snack, meal, or nap. L starts looking for me and Kj will tell me she just wants to take a nap (or eat). Here is a parenting quote I came across, not related to what I was talking about, but good nonetheless:

"You cannot control your children, you say. Then the Lord have mercy on you! It is your business to do it, and you must do it, or else you will soon find they will control you. No one knows what judgment will come from God upon those who allow sin in children to go unrebuked."
~ C.H. Spurgeon

This is L singing, "Ho, ho, ho, hosanna. Ha, ha, hallelujah. He, he, he, he saved me. I've got the joy of the Lord." Something to add a little smile to your day:

I used this song one day after my mom taught it to the girls. We were trying to get ready for bed and there was a lot of whining and squirming and parental frustration! It broke through all that and the rest of the process went much easier!! Thanks, Mom!!

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