Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cooking Chickpeas

I thought I would make this recipe:

Sweet and Salty Chickpeas

And I learned a valuable has taken a few times of this happening to make me research it.

**There is a difference between wax paper and parchment paper.**

Here is the link I found to tell me more:

Wax paper, which I have, is not meant to go in the oven. It burns to whatever you are using with it and therefore causes smoke, which sets of fire alarms, which causes your verbal 3 year old to say, "Why does your oven do a fire alarm?" :)

Update: I expected the chickpeas to be crunchy, but they weren't. I'm not sure if this was due to the wax paper removal, mid-cooking, or that it just wasn't supposed to be that way. I am trying to think of ways to use up my sweetened chickpeas...thinking of maybe grinding them into a sweet hummus. We'll see.

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