Monday, December 5, 2011

Fun with Friends

I got to visit some friends that I haven't seen for a while. The girls and I headed to their house and did some experimenting. My friend, T, is building a shadow puppet theatre. I think those are the terms you would use. Oh, maybe a shadow puppet stage. She made us a mini one as well to take home. Kj experimented with using cardstock and vellum paper. She made a rainbow and car. Friend T cut out and fashioned Kj's masterpieces into puppeteering tools.

My generous Friend T also let me borrow and use as I saw fit some really pretty bits of felt. They are brightly colored and textured. Have you ever seen textured felt?! I hadn't. So, I looked at my meager felt box and found a projected that I had wanted to work on but had never finished...cutting out felt numbers. I can't decide if I am going to make them into a book, game or just leave them separate for Kj and L to put on their felt board (transportation here).

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