Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Why Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)?

According to the "Body Ecology Diet" (many phrases word for word from book):
~  "antidote" when you've had too much salt or sugar
~  because of the mineral content...especially potassium...it get's the body into an acid/alkaline balance
~  it has antiseptic qualities that cleanse the digestive tract
~  the acidity helps remove calcium deposits from joints and blood vessels and has no effect on normal calcium levels in bones and teeth
~  the pectin in ACV promotes elimination and healthy bowels
~  the potassium regulates growth, hydrates cells, balances sodium, and enables proper performance of the nervous system

Use: raw, unpasteurized, and containing the "mother"

According to the "Earth Clinic":
~  cures allergies, sinus infections, acne, high cholesterol, flu, chronic fatigue, candida, acid reflux, sore throats, contact dermatitis, arthritis, and gout
~  breaks down fat
~  daily dose of ACV with water has high blood pressure under control in 2 weeks (?)
~  good for pets (follow link to find out)
~  healthy rosy glow in your complexion
~  pH becomes more alkaline (less acidic*)
~  for dosages and recipes click here.

According to "Natural Home Remedies" (ACV with natural honey):
~  "contains many vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are essential to clearing harmful free radicals from your body and keeping your organs working at top speed"
~  helps with weight loss and aging prevention
~  cleanses and detoxifies
~  natural disinfectant in your body and around your house (see link)
~  washes out impurities in body (good prescription for acne)
~  alkalizes (= more balanced) your body *
~  processed and packaged foods mostly make your body more acidic
~  supposedly after a week or two the taste is less alarming and more enjoyable

We use a "splash" in a glass of tepid water.  Something I just learned from looking up more info for this post is that you should sip not chug.  Ok, I'll try that.  And to drink it throughout the day to keep your body balanced all day long.  We'll see.  One step at a time.  :)

*  When our bodies are more acidic, we are more prone to bacteria, viruses, and the start of diseases. 

For kids:  slice apples, pour over 2 tablespoons of ACV, let sit in bag for a day or two, serve.
Tea:  24 ounces water, 2-3 tablespoons ACV, blueberry tea packet (Celestial Seasonings suggested)

Oh, I could keep finding more things to type, but if you want to know more...research!

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