Thursday, October 22, 2015

Grandma Meta's Fishing Story

Uncle Alan, took the girls fishing this weekend.  He had done that a couple years ago and knew that it was memorable for the girls, so he asked if they wanted to go again.  Of course!  Grandma Meta decided to stay in the car and out of the breeze for the duration of the fishing trip.  So, every now and then I'd head over to spend some time chatting with her.  I asked her if Grandpa (my grandpa) ever went fishing.  She answered with a story of her dad and mom (my great-grandparents).

On Sundays after lunch Grandma's mom, Emma, would tell her kids, "If you want fish for supper, you had better get going."  So, Grandma and a few of her siblings would head over to Toad Lake to catch some fish.  They would return later in the afternoon with a pail full of fish.  Then, Mama Emma, would say, "Well, if you want to eat, you had better get those fish cleaned."  The kids would clean the fish and they'd all have fresh fish for supper.  

Grandma's comment about fish in the lakes...  There must have been more fish then, if we could get a pail full in an afternoon.  ...and/or less people fishing...or less people in general!  :)  Making memories!!  Love it!

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