Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Learning with Joy

I read a quote the other day in an article about Finish kindergarteners.  It was so interesting to me that I have been considering it ever since, and am very inclined to agree.  It was:  “Those things you learn without joy you will forget easily.” 

Here are a few non-curriculum items that the girls are enjoying...

While at a second-hand children's store, the girls spend my browsing time looking at books.  I saw one that had different braiding and such for girls to learn.  So, she spent a 10-15 minutes pouring over the book and came home.  The next day she did this to my hair!  She was also the photographer here.

This is one of the many batches of sourdough that I have messed up, but this mess up included doubling (or more) the rest of the dough, so the girls made some buns.  One batch in muffin cups and one just on a flat pan.  Very hard, but they enjoyed doing it and consuming them.  (My portion was hard too, but L wouldn't eat that.)

Kj just started piano lessons from one of her favorite crafters.  She actually asked if she could have crocheting lessons instead of piano lessons.  Miss M. is willing to crochet with her too.  Miss M.'s reservation to giving lessons was childcare.  I had a solution!!  L gets to play with little A. and Mn with Baby I.   It is a great half our all around!

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