Sunday, February 8, 2009


...what's that. As a mom, they are no more. The fortunate thing about today is it is Sunday and my husband has been home most of the day to take care of our daughter. And she is pretty self-entertaining at times, so I can watch from a lounging position on the couch.

I think we have been passing something around amongst the three of us. Kj, though, has had it the duration of the time, while my husband and I have taken turns...poor girl. It is amazing how much energy I can muster up when no one is around to be on little girl duty. Before going out to a friend's today, my husband tried to put Kj to bed for a nap. It was the right time, it just wasn't working for him, so he brought her out into the living room with me. After he left, I got her a bottle and we cuddled, then I put her in bed again. It worked, and now instead of taking a nap...what am I doing...blogging. Before he left, I didn't think I had enough energy to do even that. I am trying to make it up to him though. I folded the clothes on the bed!

Ok, so really, you didn't want to hear all that. Haha, thanks for visiting anyways! haha.


Shaina said...

We're all sick too, but poor Zoe has been sick the longest. I plan to see how she is doing in the morning and if she's still not better I'll take her to the doctor. I can't wait until we are all well again! :)

Anna said...

Kj has also been the one that has been sick the longest. Kevin was sort of ill for a little bit, but then he got better fast (good because he has to go to work!), and now I have it worst of all.