Monday, October 3, 2011

"Adoption Miscarriage" Part 2

A letter to our social worker:

Hi H~

We've been talking a lot this weekend about "what next" and how to proceed. I think my sickness was a blessing in disguise. We just don't feel like any of our three options (DRC, Phil., or domestic) are right at this time. Without specifically having M. in Sierra Leone, we don't feel like right now is the right time. L is still pretty young, and we have time. :)

A thought that has been recurring in my mind since L was born is that if we are to have an infant again, we might have to wait until L and Kj are in school, so I can sleep during the day with the baby. I really don't do well with waking up a lot in the night. Kevin actually was much better at that. He would actually hear the girls and I would generally sleep through it all...except when nursing that doesn't work so well.

Some questions to consider as we pause for now...How long does our agency registration last? Do we finish our homestudy now and update it when we are ready to continue again? Should we just wait for all of that?

Here are some things I have found about DRC adoptions, if you want to look at them or pass them on or just delete them! ;) --a listing of blogs of families adopting from DRC --this lady I have been in contact with. She is very willing to share and answer any questions about adoption and One World Adoptions.

Some questions and thoughts about adopting and choosing an international agency:

I have also made a stronger connection with someone from my church. She is in the midst of her adoption process and I am so thankful for the chance to get into it alongside her and continue to encourage and support her.

I will let you know when Kevin and I have come to any more conclusions and if you have any questions, answers, comments, advice please feel free to let us know!! Thanks so much! aj

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