Wednesday, December 1, 2010

432. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below!
433. pears
434. Pandora
435. Grandma's scrubbers
436. Nana's knitted wash clothes (yes, another batch of dishes in the process)
437. "crazy" thoughts of getting rid of the microwave...starting with a temporary see if it works. Reasons: more kitchen space, microwaving is possibly/probably bad for food, more kitchen space, it would get the toaster oven off of the precarious shelf by the garage door...
438. Christmas music about CHRISTmas
439. paying the bills
440. post-bedtime relaxation
441. Kevin: bill pay - no stamps needed
442. guests tomorrow...
443. ...motivation to clean
444. and sharing practice for Kj

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