Friday, December 10, 2010


  1. the 5-point star I gazed at out the window while holding L. during her nap...Follow the star!
  2. windpants..."Mama, I like your snowpants."
  3. snuggles
  4. little children who want undivided attention
  5. Nana
  6. Bumpa (Grandpa)
  7. a lunch treat
  8. an uninterrupted shower (thank you, Mama and Dad #2)
  9. that 4 inches of snow doesn't need army assistance here
  10. thumbs and "I love you" fingers
  11. husband's coworkers' wives
  12. company Christmas parties
  13. a great in home babysitter (Miss M.)
  14. a kindle-like device
  15. that Kevin has to wait until it is fully charged to do anything with it...meaning he won't be up all night
  16. good conversation
  17. being able to contribute
  18. not feeling like a wall flower
  19. my husband "reading my heart"
  20. that sweater/shrug from Aunt A.'s another use out of it
  21. date night again next Friday
  22. a great babysitter for that night as well!! (Aunt A.)

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