Wednesday, December 8, 2010


  1. finding a tomato soup recipe online by asking, "How to make tomato soup from tomato paste"
  2. patience renewed
  3. sunshine
  4. letter and number magnets
  5. the ability to place holds on books checked out at the library
  6. Kj's incessant, "Mama, I want a snack."
  7. L. liking my tomato soup experiment...which was not very successful to me
  8. leftovers for Kevin! Hahaha
  9. automatic numbering of the next 5oo thanks
  10. happy, smiling, wiggly, giggly girls
  11. peace at our house
  12. warmth
  13. girls clothed in polka dots
  14. new toys a.k.a. baby food containers
  15. time to read all the books that Kj brought to the lunch table, that I told her I would read to her
  16. nurses turned friends that you can ask about questions about your baby's condition
  17. reconnecting over the phone
  18. personal attendant at my great friend's wedding!
  19. looking at airfare
  20. my dad and sparkles
  21. a really wonderful man who also happens to keep our bed warm at night
  22. wool socks
  23. vacuumed floors
  24. a sewing machine that is calling my name
  25. the offer of weekend sitters

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