Sunday, December 19, 2010


  1. dual naptime...I know I have said it before, but it hasn't happened for a long time
  2. the girls playing quietly separately/together without my presence in the room
  3. a variety of Christmas music on the radio
  4. Kj knowing some of them...and recognizing more and more each day
  5. "Mama, you sleep?" Maybe. "I give you a kiss."
  6. layers of clothes to make a cozy outfit for the cool day
  7. 20 degrees the other day so I could just wear a fleece and vest outside (with gloves, scarf and ear coverage of course)
  8. my sister making it safely "home" for Christmas
  9. just a few days until she gets to meet L!!!
  10. running in the snow with her in a few days...I don't get out much with 2 girls that always (between the 3 of us) seem to have some sort of cold or flu
  11. getting to shovel last night while Kevin washed dishes
  12. Kj realizing that she was "throwing a fit at you" (me)...and then changing her behavior, and giving hugs
  13. leftovers tonight
  14. not really doing much shopping besides the grocery store this season...but also finding random little fun things for the people we want to give gifts to
  15. a surprise for the weekend!! --for you mom!!
  16. the possibility of going out to a movie with my siblings +
  17. mail received in Africa!
  18. pictures of the lunar eclipse, because I certainly wasn't going to wake up in the middle of the night if I could help it...apparently Kevin did wake up with Kj...sorry, I didn't hear it...
  19. cards that make music when you open girls were learning about cause and effect thanks to grandma!
  20. a styrofoam packing thing that makes a good Fischer Price tub or ramp and a good bit of creativity in Kj
  21. a new game...thanks C,L&E - we'll read about the real way to play it next month
  22. The best gift ever...Jesus!!
  23. another way to encourage generosity and the true meaning of Christmas:
    "My kids made a pile of toys they want to donate after we put presents under the tree. We talked about Jesus blessing us enough to be able to get fun things. Then we talked about how some kids aren't able to to get gifts. So, they rounded up TONS of toys...even favorites... to give away!!"
  24. strong tower song
  25. the beautiful mess that my house is with all the played with toys strewn here and there...what a lovely lived in look!

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