Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A break from the thousand

Wow, I was just reading these two blogs... one linked to the other. One answering questions from readers about homeschooling and the other explaining how shelter is not a place but a relationship.

I read these things and think of all the ways that I am inadequate. I will never be a great mother, not really, never on my own. I need more than I can even dare to imagine... the grace, forgiveness, patience, help, and more help, and more patience. While remembering the long-term goal of raising my girls to be God-loving, God-fearing, beautiful women, I can't get too far ahead of myself. I can't let myself be overwhelmed by the year to year, but focus on the moment to moment. What part of this moment is teachable? How could I do that differently next time? Where do I step up, where do I back off?

Starting the last couple of weeks, Kj is getting into the "why?" stage, so we can start explaining why we do the things we do, and why we don't do the other. Then maybe she will also start standing up for the things we believe to be important.

Hmm... this post got interrupted by life! So, I'm not exactly certain as to the planned ending... just thoughts. No, I'm not thinking about home-schooling but many of my friends are, so the topic comes up often enough. I do have fun "art class" ideas for them!! :) Maybe I can be an assistant art teacher to them. hahaha

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